Moving Traditions groups promote self-discovery, challenge traditional gender roles, and celebrate a diversity of voices, it has the power to move our teens, our communities, and Judaism forward. Through the field-tested programs, Rosh Hodesh and Shevet Achim, offer groups for boys and girls in 8th-12th grade a unique cohort experience that inspire Jewish teens to openly explore fundamental questions of identity and society throughout their teen years.
Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! is an experiential education program currently touching the lives of 3,500 girls across North America. The program uses Jewish teachings and practices to give girls a place to feel safe, articulate their deepest concerns, consider the impact of gender on their daily lives, have fun, and be ‘real’ with their peers. Through discussion, arts & crafts, creative ritual, games, and drama, the girls and their leaders draw on Jewish values and a gender lens to explore the issues the girls care about most, such as body image, friendship, relationships, family, competition, and stress.
Today, over a decade later, with 340 groups now meeting – some of whom for their third, fourth and even fifth years – and more than 1,000 women trained as group leaders, the program has touched the lives of more than 12,000 girls. LEARN MORE
Shevet: The Brotherhood is a program designed for teen boys by a group of rabbis, educators, psychologists, parents, and teens themselves. In general, the program is a lot of fun for the guys—they’ll be playing various competitive and collaborative games, talking about pop culture, studying great Jewish texts, eating, and sharing stories. But they will also have an opportunity to discuss, in a confidential setting, critical issues in their lives as teens and young men. You can find out more about the program and its curriculum by CLICKING HERE