We aim to nurture, inspire and create points of Jewish connection for our families as their children grow within our community. Our family engagement programs provide the space to enrich the lives of children and parents through immersive experiences, Shabbat, and exciting cohortized activities rooted in Jewish learning and practice.
Family Shabbaton
At Camp Ramah in Ojai
Swimming, Communal Shabbat services, Havdalah bonfire, childcare, adult and kids programming, and so much FUN!
May 9-11, 2025
Shabbat Family Service
Starting in November, join us for a family-focused opportunity on Shabbat morning every week! We’ll sing, pray, and learn together with opportunities for families with kids of all ages as we build and deepen community together.
Tot Shabbat
Musical Friday night program and dinner for ECC-Gesher families
Oct. 18, March 25
Musical Shabbat Program for families with ECC-Gesher kids
Shabbat Morning: Sept. 7, Nov. 9, April 26
Havdallah: Dec. 14, Feb. 1
Shabbat Yeladim
Free childcare while parents attend services
Saturdays at 10:00 AM in the Sandbox
Shabbat Hang Out
Monthly afternoon hang out on Ziering Family Field for families at TBA
Saturdays at 3:00 PM on Ziering Field
Sept. 21, Nov. 16, Dec. 14, Jan. 18, Feb. 8, April 5, May 31
6th Grade B’nei Mitzvah Cohort
All 6th grade families are invited to participate in a series of programs designed for families immersed in preparing for a B’nei Mitzvah.