Jewish Learning Community

Kitah K’tanim/Transitional Kindergarten
10 sessions
Sundays, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Kitah Gan/Kindergarten &
Kital Alef/1st Grade

Sundays, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Kitah Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Hay, & Vav – 2nd-6th Grade
Sundays, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM &
Tuesdays, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Kitah Zayin – 7th Grade
Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 PM

Our program is rooted in the belief that if our students enjoy attending, they can deeply connect with our vibrant Jewish community and further their comprehension and practice of Judaism.

Temple Beth Am’s Jewish Learning Community (JLC) fosters enriching learning journeys through Judaism’s ideas, rituals, texts, and practices. Our experiential approach encourages real-world application of knowledge and students learn small-group Hebrew instruction and family-oriented experiences.

We strive to ensure informative and joy-filled sessions, aspiring to be a second home for our students. Join us on this meaningful and engaging exploration of Jewish tradition. Interested? Reach out!

’24-’25 Tuition*Early BirdRegular RateLate Rate
 (March 10-May 1)(May 2-July 31)(After July 31)
TK (10 Sunday Sessions)$720 $820 $920 
K/1st (Sundays Only)$1,530 $1,630 $1,730 
2nd-6th (Sundays & Tuesdays)$2,160 $2,260 $2,360 
7th (Tuesdays Only)$1,530 $1,630 $1,730 
JLC Family Engagement Fee$125Per Family 
JLC Parent Association$144 Per Child 
Sunday Snack Pack$125 **Snack Packs are offered to our K-6th Grade students on Sundays during Hafsakah  
Tuesday Pizza$185 **JLC Pizza is offered to our 2nd-7th Grade students on Tuesdays at 4pm. 
*Costs listed are for Cash/Check. There is a 3% fee for Credit Card Payments.   

The ability to join the JLC community is a benefit of TBA membership. If you still need to become a member, please let us know as part of the JLC registration process.

It’s never too early! Of course, we hope all of our students start in Kindergarten and make the TBA JLC something they love coming to.
We understand that every family’s needs are different, and we will work with all of our students to ensure they can participate in the learning when they start. Families planning on B’nei Mitzvah should plan to start no later than third grade. 

As a team of experienced Jewish educators, the JLC team is here for your child and family. Our goal is to inspire a love of Judaism through celebration, tradition, customs, community, and experience. We provide a supportive, passionate, dedicated team that works to tailor the experience to meet the needs of our exceptional learners.  
We are committed to inclusivity. When families partner with us and share all relevant information, we are able to ensure success. We are committed to working with you and your students.

Throughout our long history as a caring and inclusive Jewish community, Temple Beth Am has been committed to the Jewish education of all of our congregants, regardless of financial circumstances. We believe that a Religious School education is just one step along a child’s Jewish journey, and with that value in mind, we do our best never to turn anyone away due to finances.
Please indicate your request for financial assistance in your enrollment application.

Every grade level has specific learning objectives, the goal always being an engaging and enriching experience.

Each grade has 3 learning units during the year:

  1. Jewish peoplehood (holiday celebrations, history, lifecycle events)
  2. Text (Torah stories, Prophets, Writings, Talmud, and Pirkei Avot) 
  3. Israel (Zionism, History, Map, culture)

Yes! B’nei Mitzvah tutoring is separate from the learning that takes place in JLC.