Field Trips

Schedule of Field Trips - Summer 2025

 Tuesdays (1st-6th)Thursdays (K-8th)

Week 1:
June 23-27

Kid’s EmpireMovie (2nd-8th)
Scooters Jungle (K-1 only)
Week 2:
June 30-July 3
Medival Times or Pirate showUnderwood Farms (1st-8th)** Kid’s Empire (K only)
Week 3:
July 7-11
Soak City (5:30pm Pick up)**Pacific Park (1st-8th)**
Cayton Museum (K only)**
Week 4:
July 14-18
BeachDiscovery Cube (K-2nd)** Knott’s Berry Farm (3rd-8th)**
Week 5:
July 21-25
CA Science Center**Movie (K-8th)
Week 6:
July 28-August 1
Seaside LagoonPump it up (K-8th)

**Chaperones Welcome!

TWO Field Trips for 1st-6th Grade each week (Tuesdays and Thursdays), ONE Field Trip for Kindergarten each week (Thursdays).

Field Trips will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. All Field Trips are transported by a seat belted school bus. Campers must wear a camp T-shirt on field trip days. Field trips are subject to change.


On all field trips, campers are split into small groups with a Rosh (head counselor) or with a Junior and Senior counselor. Small campers to staff ratios allow staff to give personal attention to each child and have enough eyes to safely supervise all campers.

On most field trips, the camp director or assistant director will attend the trip to help supervise and manage the group.

**Parents are invited to attend some large or public field trips designated in the trip schedule.

Parent Chaperones

A chaperone may be a parent or other family member, babysitter, or friend designated by the family. Chaperones can either ride the bus or drive themselves and meet Camp Keshet at the field trip location. Admission into the trip is paid for by the camp. Each chaperone agrees to supervise his/her own child plus 1-2 friends, and no siblings may attend. Chaperones must commit to staying until the trip is completed and the buses return to TBA.


Keshet campers and staff are asked to adhere to the laws of Kashrut at all times, both on-site at TBA and when on field trips. We do not purchase or eat the food offered at any field trip location.

Safety Procedures

Counselors are CPR/First Aid trained and are familiar with TBA emergency procedures. All staff have cell phones, and check in with the director(s) throughout the day, both in person and via phone. Camp Directors and Roshim (head counselors) have a group list with emergency contact information and first aid kits on them at all times.