7th-8th Grade Counselors in Training (CITs)

If your child is entering 7th or 8th grade, take advantage of this leadership opportunity!

The CIT program is designed to teach leadership, community, and general classroom/group time tasks in a summer camp environment.   CITs will be expected to work with camp groups during the week and also participate in weekly meetings and workshops to teach and train in communication, teamwork, programming, and other camp related responsibilities. CIT will also attend one field trip per week as campers. A successful participant in the CIT program will demonstrate enthusiasm, dedication, and a devoted work ethic in line with Camp Keshet’s mission.


CIT can apply to participate per week. Tuition is $250 per week. Only 6-8 CIT will be accepted per week.

This summer our program runs for 8 weeks from June 17-August 9.

Upon completion of the application, teens will be asked to interview with Reut and will be provided notice of acceptance before registering for the program.

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