9:30 AM Sukkot Services led by Library Minyan: Dorff Nelson Chapel
10:45 AM Niggun and Nourishment:45 minutes of harmony-filled and kavannah-inspired prayer with Rabbis Kligfeld and Schatz in Ganzberg Sanctuary and YouTube (includes Mourners’ Kaddish)
9:15 AM Clergy Services: Ganzberg Sanctuary and YouTube
9:30 AM Library Minyan: Dorff Nelson Chapel
11:00 AM (approx) Yizkor in both locations
5:30 PM Pre-Game Hakafot Happy Hour 20/30s event: in the Sukkah, register here
6:00 PM Tot Simhat Torah Family Program for families with kids ECC-K: with Rabbi Shapiro and Morah Kira in Dorff Nelson Chapel
6:00 PM Minha, Ma’ariv and Hakafot: Ziering Family Field and YouTube
Simhat Torah
8:00 AM Hashkama (early) Minyan: Pilch Hall
9:00 AM Community-Wide Simhat Torah Services: led by TBA clergy in Dorff-Nelson Chapel and YouTube Simhat Torah Honorees: Kol Hane’arim: Morah Essia Cartoon Fredman Hatan Torah: Larry Braman Kallat B’reisheet: Deborah Torgan
Community-Wide Simhat Torah Lunch following Services Sign up at tbala.org/stlunch to add your name to the list of Sponsors, and to honor Larry, Deb and Essia