HHD Service Descriptions

There’s Something for Everyone!

What thunders most loudly during this upcoming season ought not be which service is being led by whom in which setting, but rather the question of whether we are preparing our souls for something potentially transformative. Whatever service or program you end up in, whichever tune you hear or do not hear, whatever wisdom shared by a rabbi that does or does not penetrate you… it is our hope that you are investing in the work that will help make these holidays quite high, uniquely holy, truly days of awe.

If you are not (yet!) a TBA member and wish to join us, please click here.

Click on each service below to learn more. 

Spiritual, inspiring, deep kavanot and mindful connections to t’fillah led by Rabbi Adam Kligfeld, and featuring inspiring davening by our Cantor, Rabbi Hillary Chorny.

Traditional, song-filled, and family friendly: the ZFF service features upbeat melodies, time-honored, high holiday favorites, and moments of contemplation, conversation, and consideration led by Rabbi Rebecca Schatz and our kavanah-filled hazzan, Rabbi Cantor Yosef Goldman.

Lay-led, davening and learning community that blends traditional observance with a fully modern and egalitarian approach to Jewish living. Volunteers prepare and deliver the d’rashot, which offer personal and often unique interpretations of the Torah portions.

Family Programming

  • Rosh Hashanah Day 1 at 10:00 AM: Tot Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Shapiro & Morah Kira (designed for families with kids ECC-K) in the Dorff-Nelson Chapel
  • Yom Kippur at 10:00 AM: Family Service led by Rabbi Shapiro & Morah Kira (designed for families with kids in 1st-5th Grade) in the Dorff-Nelson Chapel
  • Rosh Hashanah Day 1 at 11:00 AM Teen Program led by Rabbi Matt Shapiro in Pilch Hall (designed for 6th-9th graders)
  • Yom Kippur at 11:00 Teen Program led by Rabbi Matt Shapiro in Pilch Hall (designed for 6th-9th graders)