*Brand new players are encouraged to sign up for the 8:00 AM-9:30 AM session.*
Never played pickleball? Are you a beginner?
A TBA member and advanced pickleball player, will teach pickleball lessons in our 8:00 AM-9:30 AM session.
Cost: $20 per person for the entire month
Who can play? Pickleball at Temple Beth Am is for TBA members only. We will have a maximum of 12 players per session. Players will rotate on and off the court. Registrants can sign up for 1 or 2 players.
Josh Berenbaum, Gary Hirschhorn, Phyllis Steinberg, Lisa Yassinger Pickleball Co-Chairs
Questions? Contact Natalie Weiss, Director of Membership & Engagement at
Please join the pickleball whatsapp group to communicate with fellow pickleball players.
Quick Contacts
Natalie Weiss – Director of Membership & Engagement ext. 205