70s + Tour The Gamble House!

Date & Time

March 19, 2024    
10:15 am


The 70s+ Group is going to tour The Gamble House!

Tuesday, March 19th

The Gamble House in Pasadena is an internationally known masterwork of American Arts and Crafts architecture. For more information about The Gamble House, click here.


10:15am – Leave LA

11:30am – Tour begins

12:30pm Drive 1 mile to Brookside Park for a brown bag lunch at their picnic tables.

1:30pm-ish – Leave park to return home.


Seniors are $12.50 and can be purchased upon arrival.


Bring a brown bag lunch.  There are picnic tables there.


We will arrange carpools.  When you RSVP, indicate if you

  1. can be a driver and how many available spaces in your car or 
  2. would like someone from the group to give you a ride or
  3. will drive yourself and meet the group there.


For more information and to RSVP, contact Bonnie Taff Leib at .