Rembaum Institute of Temple Beth Am provides enriching Jewish experiences for adults & families – inspired by our Emeritus Rabbi Rembaum’s dedication to our community.
RI is full of educational opportunities for adults of Temple Beth Am, to broaden and enhance Jewish education through diverse classes, lectures, panels, programs and social action. Additionally, we extend and strengthen the spiritual and religious lives of Temple Beth Am families through programming, retreats, and creative activities. Our mission preserves Rabbi Joel Rembaum’s quarter-century dedication to Jewish adult and family education at Temple Beth Am, and a deep commitment to the state of Israel.
Siddur Class – Tuesdays at 8:10 AM after morning minyan with Rabbi Avi Havivi
Rashi Class – Wednesdays at 8:30 AM with Rabbi Kligfeld
Midrasha: Women’s Study Group – Thursdays at 8:30 AM with Rabbi Schatz
Meditation – Fridays at 8:15 AM with Rabbi Kligfeld
Mishnah Study – Saturdays at 9:15 AM on Zoom
Let Justice Well Up Like Water — the Book of Amos with Rabbi Joel Rembaum on Zoom
Our class will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 pm, starting on November 12, 2024.
Class Dates: January 28; February 4.
But let justice well up like water, righteousness like an unfailing stream. (AMOS 5:24)
Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may thrive and occupy the land that your God YHVH is giving you. (Deuteronomy 16:20)
Our ten-session class will study the Book of the prophet Amos. Amos was active in the mid-eighth century BCE (ca. 750 BCE). He lived in the kingdom of Judah, in a town called Tekoa, some ten miles south of Jerusalem. Although he was from the Southern Kingdom, his prophecies focused on Israel, the Northern Kingdom. Unlike many of the other prophets, his primary charges against Israel dealt with injustice and immorality. Paganism, for Amos, was a secondary issue. Amos was a master of rhetorical argument, and his powerful use of metaphors is classical.
Students will receive English/Hebrew texts in advance of our Zoom meetings so they can be reviewed in advance. Interactive discussion will constitute the methodology of our sessions. While Hebrew literacy is always helpful in the study of the Bible, those who will primarily use the English translation will be able to actively participate and feel comfortable.
Antisemitism — The Worlds Oldest Conspiracy Theory with Rabbi Joel Rembaum on Zoom
Our class will meet Wednesdays, 12:00-1:30 pm, starting November 6, 2024.
Class dates: January 29; February 5
In ten sessions we will explore the rise and evolution of antisemitism, defined simply as “hatred toward Jews” (IHRA — International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance). Our study will be text based and will emphasize interactive discussion. The documents will be provided in advance. There will be some lecturing, primarily to provide historical background. Our study will be organized chronologically:
Greek and Roman sources through the lens of Josephus Flavius.
Christian and Muslim writings through the 16th century.
The rise and evolution of secular antisemitism from the 19th through the 21st centuries, and the continuity of religion-based antisemitism.